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Note: 2025 details yet to be confirmed. Contacting the event organiser is recommended.
The Leongatha Horticultural Society present the 52st Annual Leongatha Rose Spectacular.
An abundance of decorative blooms and blossomy fragrances.
Showcasing the best blooms available, sourced from our local green thumb gardeners.
A large cut flower section, Plant Stall and Posies for sale.
This venue is wheelchair accessible.
Exhibitors: Pick your flowers and roses, then bring them to the Dakers Centre and we will show you how to enter, stage and put them on the show bench. Entry to exhibitors on Friday 6pm to 9pm and Saturday 8am to 10am
Saturday, 15th November 2025, 12 noon to 5pm.
Sunday 16th November 2025, 10am to 4pm
Where: Dakers Centre (Senior Citizens Centre), 23 Smith Street, Leongatha 3953
Entry cost: Adults $5. Children free
Enquiries: Sue 0417 686 336 or suethompson3953@gmail.com
Website: LeongathaHorticulturalSociety.com
Facebook: Leongatha Garden Club
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