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Add Community Event

Information about Community Service Announcements

What’s a CSA? How do I arrange a CSA? Looking for more information? Do it yourself guide? Checkout our CSA information page here…

South Coast FM is also a not-for-profit Community Group

We are a not-for-profit Community Group & rely on membership to help fund our broadcast activities.

Who can request a CSA?

South Coast FM Organisation Members can request a Community Service Announcement (CSA) to promote their not-for-profit Community Group & it’s activities by completing the online form below.

Not a South Coast FM Organisation Member?

South Coast FM welcomes requests for Community Service Announcements (CSA).

As a not-for-profit Community Radio Station, our CSA policy requires applicants to be an Organisation Member. To do this, please follow this link: South Coast FM Members. Thankyou for your understanding & support.

Under exceptional circumstances only, non-members may be able to request a CSA. This will be considered on a case-by-case basis & at the discretion of South Coast FM management. Please email any such requests to outlining the details of  the promotion requested & reason that an exception is requested.  Thank-you.

Online form

To promote your community event, please complete and submit the online form below.

Once the form is submitted by pressing SEND, a confirmation email will automatically be sent to the email address you gave, so please make sure that it is correct.

Where possible, please also attach/upload a high quality image that represents your event or organisation. (Preferably NOT a Flyer with lots of text, but an image with people or items at a similar event or a logo. In Landscape orientation, not Portrait). It may be used on the South Coast FM website & Social Media. Images can also be emailed to, but the information form below must also be submitted.

The information you provide may be broadcast On-Air as a prerecorded ‘Community Service Announcement’ and/or live by a Presenter.

It may be also published online in the 3mFM website events calendar and/or Posts on our Website or Facebook page. Facebooks post may be Shared to other Groups.

    Community Organisation Name*

    Your name*

    Your email* (Please ensure that it is correct)

    Your phone*

    Current South Coast FM (3mFM) Member?*

    [group group-membership-num]

    South Coast FM (3mFM) Membership Number


    Your organisation's website

    Your organisation's Facebook page

    Name of your event*

    Event date or dates*

    Event start & finish times*

    Does this event occur regularly?*
    Once onlyWeeklyMonthlyYearlyOther

    Event entry cost*

    Event location*

    Contact name for public enquiry about event

    Phone number for public enquiry about event

    Email address for public enquiry about event

    Give the key facts not already given in above information
    Include extra information like availability of food and drink, or wheelchair accessibility.

    Upload an event image file (jpg & png format up to max size of 5Mb)

    Spam protection*. What is

    Hint: Melbourne | Sydney | Brisbane | Perth | Adelaide | Darwin | Hobart

    Click 'Submit' when ready to send the event information to us. You will automatically receive a confirmation copy via email.