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What song was that?

Just want to know what was played when? Right now?

Click here now for Radio Box which shows the last 7 days including date and time

Heard a song that we played, but didn’t quite catch the Artist or Title?

There are a few ways to find out yourself.

When we play music & songs from our in-house library (which is most of the time), we send that text information to various places including FM radios & streaming apps.

Music played direct by a Presenter using CDs, Vinyl or other methods, do not send this information, so you’ll need to listen carefully, as the Presenter will generally give that information verbally. Those tracks will NOT appear on our playlist

FM Radio Display

Streaming App or Website

Not only are details about the currently playing track shown, but in many cases, streaming Apps remember & display the previously played tracks.

Online Radio Box – Immediate playlist history

Just want to know what was played when? Right now?

The Online Radio Box website shows the last 7 days including date & time.

Online Radio Box – App or Website
TuneIn App or Website
Community Radio Plus App
myTuner Radio App or Website

For more information on Streaming & Media Player / App options, visit our How To Live Stream, which includes more on Now Playing information.