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It’s a 5km run – it’s you against the clock. Run by volunteers who love running or walking.
Come and join the friendly group of Parkrunner’s at a location near you.
When: Every Saturday at 8am.
Where: Inverloch, Koonwarra, Korumburra on the Great Southern Rail Trail, Mirboo North on the Grand Ridge Rail Trail & Newhaven on Phillip Island.
Websites: Parkrun.com.au/Inverloch | Parkrun.com.au/Koonwarra | Parkrun.com.au/GreatSouthernRailTrailKorumburra | Parkrun.com.au/GrandRidgeRailTrail | Parkrun.com.au/PhillipIsland
Facebook: Inverloch Parkrun | Koonwarra Parkrun | Great Southern Rail Trail Parkrun, Korumburra | Grand Ridge Rail Trail Parkrun, Mirboo North | Phillip Island Parkrun
Register for a barcode at your local parkrun website.
#BassCoast #Bass #Coast #SOuthGippsland #South #Gippsland
Looking to add your event here? Visit our CSA page.
Suggest a correction to an existing event? Email CSA@SouthCoastFM.a