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Yarram Scout Hall Sunday Market

Scout Hall, Yarram 2-4 Church Rd, Yarram, VIC, Australia

The popular Yarram Scout Hall Sunday Market is back! There is always a wide variety of stallholders, with a bunch of knick knacks, arts and crafts and so much more to wander through and enjoy. Located in Gippsland's beautiful countryside, a small country market with...

Community Market Anglican Parish of Yarram

Anglican Parish Yarram 95 Commercial Road, Yarram, VIC, Australia

Come and find a bargain at this monthly Community Market. A wide variety of stalls to browse around, as well as a second hand furniture shop. When: 2nd Saturday of the month, 8:30am to 1:30pm fom September to May Where: Holy Trinity Church, 95 Commercial...

Anzac Day Services across South Gippsland locations

NOTE: 2025 details are yet to be confirmed, but likely to be as follows... FISH CREEK 10.30am: Assemble at Fish Creek RSL clubrooms. 10.45am: March to Cenotaph, followed by a service at the Fish Creek Hall. FOSTER 11am: Service at the War Memorial. 2.30pm: Service...

Event Series Markets

Christmas Market @ Yarram

Note: 2025 details yet to be confirmed. Contacting the event organiser is recommended. Christmas Market - fun for the whole family. Live Music. Arts & Crafts. Games. Facepinating. Santa photos. When: Saturday 6th December 2025 from 10am to 1pm Where: Commercial Rd, Yarram 3971 Enquires:...

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