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Anzac Day Services @ Leongatha

Leongatha Memorial Hall 6-8 McCartin St, Leongatha, VIC, Australia

NOTE: 2025 details are yet to be confirmed ! 5:45am - Dawn service at Leongatha Cenotaph located outside the Memorial Hall followed by Gunfire Breakfast at Leongatha RSL from 6:05am. 11:00am - March to Commemorative service at Memorial Hall. 12 noon - Morning Tea at...

Event Series Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day Service @ Leongatha

Leongatha Memorial Hall 6-8 McCartin St, Leongatha, VIC, Australia

When: 11th November commencing at 10.30am. Where: Cenotaph – Memorial Hall, 8 McCartin St, Leongatha RSL – Cnr. Smith St & Michael Place, Leongatha. Enquiries: Facebook: Website:

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