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Disabled Surfers Association @ Inverloch & Smiths Beach

February 16 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

The Disabled Surfers Association Bass Coast events give physically and intellectually challenged members of our community and their families a day at the beach and a surfing experience in a safe, fun and inclusive environment.

Volunteers wanted & needed:

We are looking for volunteers to help us make the day happen.

You don’t need to be a surfer , as we operate in waist deep water at safe patrolled beaches, you just need to be able bodied and love helping people.

We provide wetsuits/rashies a bbq lunch, drinks and a promise of a fulfilling day.

We encourage our volunteers to bring their families of any age to experience the day.

Also a call out to any of our community that have not tried surfing or going to the beach this is your opportunity to have a go.

Where & When:

  • Smiths Beach, Phillip Island – Sunday 2 February, 11am to2 pm
  • Inverloch SLSC Beach – Sunday 16 February, 11am to 2pm
  • Smiths Beach, Phillip Island – Sunday 2 March, 11am to 2pm

Entry cost: Free event for all

Enquiries: Paul 0418 454 447 or




#BassCoast #Bass #Coast


February 16
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Event Category:

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