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South Coast FM Merchandise

Wear official South Coast FM merch

Show that you are a proud South Coast FM listener & supporter.

We are a Community Radio station & a Registered Charity. We do not receive direct government funding & rely on the good will of volunteers, members, listeners & sponsors. We welcome direct donations.

A portion of merchandise sales revenue is funneled back to South Coast FM to help us stay on air & provide local voices & information to the people of South Gippsland, Bass Coast & beyond.

Visit our Merch Store

Hoodies, Vests, Polos, Rugby Tops, Jackets, Beanies & Caps. Women’s, Men’s & Kid’s sizes.

Personalize with your name. Save on a bundle. Refer to bundles below.

Combine items & save on shipping.

To visit the online store, please click the button below:

Tee Shirt
Hoodie (Green or Aqua)
Legends Polo Shirt

Personalize with your name. Save on a bundle. Combine items & save on shipping.

Note: You must use the Discount Code given in the store bundle description to get free shipping