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South Coast FM Songwriters Collective

Social Media

Facebook: Page South Coast Songwriter’s Collective, Group South Coast Songwriters Collective



Why is this happening?

Most of the local music performances/concerts focus on bringing in talent from outside our region helping them grow an audience here.  In other cases, much of the local work is directed to cover acts. South Coast FM wants to support local original artists to have an opportunity to grow a local audience through local performances.  Bringing local songwriters together is aimed at forming a supportive group that will continue on and hopefully grow beyond the length of this project.  Plus…we’ve missed live music and we can’t wait to get everyone in the community together to enjoy the amazing local talent we have.

About the South Gippsland Songwriters Project

We aim to support local songwriters to come together and form a supportive network, develop their craft and build local audiences through three concerts throughout the South Gippsland Shire.

Local songwriters will also have the opportunity to learn about radio, create a show, be interviewed and submit their work for radio play.

Local songwriters, with a connection to South Gippsland, will be invited to apply to participate in this project and will be selected based on the following criteria:

  1. Connection to South Gippsland Shire
  2. Membership (or willingness to become a member) of South Coast FM
  3. Be at least 18 years of age
  4. Have a body of existing work that is or could be ready for commercial release and performance.
  5. Willingness to commit to project activities including:
    • Radio training to support launching your music
    • Four peer-led workshops
    • At least one live performance at the end of the project

South Coast FM will host segments on air to promote the program and give participants an opportunity to promote their music on the radio. 

The project will run from September 2022 through to March 2023, with a series of three concerts.

Participants will perform at these concerts which will also be supported by South Coast FM, local hall committees and FreeZA – Youth Central.