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“At the Station” – March 2021

Your 3mFM Community Radio Newsletter

We say goodbye to Amanda and Deb 1+2 on the same night!

A great meal at the Inlet Hotel was attended by many 3mFM luminaries to farewell Amanda Robbins (who left early in 2020) and Station Manager Deb Watson & Bookkeeper Deb Freeman.

Meet our new Bookkeeper

Dianne Mannes has replaced the now retired “Deb 2” as 3mFM Bookkeeper!

Di hails from Coronet Bay and is a very experienced bookkeeper with a number of clients across the listening area making use of her talents. We are lucky to have her so say hello if you are in the station on Wednesday and Fridays.

Station Deck as you’ve never seen it before!

Some excellent work by volunteers to get rid of years of ‘stuff’, a can of paint from Haymes Paint shop in Wonthaggi left no excuse for Peter Francis and Paul Stampton, so the deck was painted on Paul’s first day!

We are now looking for some smart outdoor furniture to allow presenters, volunteers and visitors to use the space.

Meet Me – Your new Station Manager

I’m Paul Stampton the new, excited (and excitable) person in the hot seat at 3mFM.

I have met a lot of you in my first weeks at the station but I am very keen to meet as many members as possible so don’t be bashful, if you are passing the station on a Monday or Tuesday come up and say hello.

Having lived in various places across the listening area over the last 25 years I am in the ‘long time listener – first time station manager” category!

My background is as a manager in state and local government sectors & local secondary education, with a very convenient early career and ongoing passion in radio and electronics! The last 25 years were spent with Mary MacKillop College, Parks Vic and South Gippsland Shire Council as well as many local volunteer organisations.

I have many interests including radio, cycling, motorbikes, sailing and as you can see from the photo, playing community music 😊.

3mFM is a great place to be and I am very glad to be here.

Bingo is Back!

But not just any BINGO – 3mFM BINGO

If you have spare time on a Wednesday during the day or a Thursday evening and would like to a help the station fundraising efforts have you considered volunteering to help run BINGO?

Contact the station or call 5674 1900 and give us a hand!

Strategic Planning Day

The 3mFM Strategic Plan was completed a number of years ago and needed a fresh set of eyes to make it more useful in a post Covid environment. Some excellent volunteers, staff and the Board got together in March at a room kindly donated by BCAL Wonthaggi to thrash out ideas and reflections on the station – and thrashed they were!

It was a great collection of station experience, fresh minds and diverse interests that completed a great session to work out approaches to keeping the station viable, interesting and connected to the community.

March is Membership Month

We need you. Your membership helps us deliver 24 hours 7 days of quality community radio.

Membership fees for 2021 up to 31st March 2022 are now due.

You should soon receive an email to continue your support. If not, please visit our Membership page or Contact Us.

Kitchen facelift

Even the Kitchen has had a freshen up with new tiles and taps!

Everything AFL

3mFM’s new Footy Show with Brad Sinclair and guests. Friday ‘s mornings 9 to 10am.